Company details

Company domicile

Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH
Am Limes 73
73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Legal notice

The information available on our webpages is a service provided by Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH for information only and without responsibility. It does not, however, constitute individual advice and cannot replace such advice. The content and design of the webpages of Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH are protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, especially the use of texts, parts of texts or images as well as electronically processing the same shall require express prior approval from Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH. All details and information contained in our webpages were carefully researched and verified by Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH or third parties. Neither Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH nor third parties can assume any responsibility for the correctness, completeness and topicality. The webpages of Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH also contain links to third-party webpages. At the time of placing the link, Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH carefully reviewed the respective contents and did not discover any illegal contents on the pages to be linked to. Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH does not have any influence whatsoever on the current and future design, the contents or creatorship of the linked pages and can thus assume no responsibility whatsoever.